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travel to canada - 未名空间精华区
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travel to canada

发信人: breeze (gaga), 信区: Travel
标 题: travel to canada
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Mon May 24 22:37:47 1999), 转信

Assuming I'm going to get my visa in NYC.. and my planned route
is NYC-> Buffalo -> Montreal -> Toronto -> NYC

what do you guys suggest? jhow many days at each place..

I alos want to get a return visa in Toronto (I have H1) how long
does that take?1 workind day? or more?


※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM:]
发信人: polarbear (冰封~温柔), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: travel to canada
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Mon May 24 22:51:10 1999), 转信

why Buffalo
Montreal one day and one night
u can gat ur visa in Montreal too
【 在 breeze (gaga) 的大作中提到: 】
: Assuming I'm going to get my visa in NYC.. and my planned route
: is NYC-> Buffalo -> Montreal -> Toronto -> NYC
: what do you guys suggest? jhow many days at each place..
: I alos want to get a return visa in Toronto (I have H1) how long
: does that take?1 workind day? or more?
: Thanks

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM:]
发信人: kaiser (kaiser), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: travel to canada
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Mon May 24 23:06:42 1999), 转信

【 在 breeze (gaga) 的大作中提到: 】
: Assuming I'm going to get my visa in NYC.. and my planned route
: is NYC-> Buffalo -> Montreal -> Toronto -> NYC
: what do you guys suggest? jhow many days at each place..
: I alos want to get a return visa in Toronto (I have H1) how long
: does that take?1 workind day? or more?
: Thanks

r u canadian citizen or not? or pr? if not, u need to book
reservation for ur visa application. pls go to "Gowest" or
board like that check out the detail.

For Montreal, u can go to Mont Royal, the old dock (especially
during the night), also u can go to some strip bar on Sant. Catherine St.
not bad.

For Toronto, :(, 可以去湖边蹲一蹲. 也很漂亮的.

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM:]
发信人: breeze (gaga), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: travel to canada
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Mon May 24 23:09:28 1999), 转信

I've lived in Boston for a year and visited it 30 times after I left :)

Don't need to go there any more often

【 在 polarbear (冰封~温柔) 的大作中提到: 】
: why Buffalo
: 波士顿多好啊
: Montreal one day and one night
: u can gat ur visa in Montreal too
: 【 在 breeze (gaga) 的大作中提到: 】
: : Assuming I'm going to get my visa in NYC.. and my planned route
: : is NYC-> Buffalo -> Montreal -> Toronto -> NYC
: : what do you guys suggest? jhow many days at each place..
: : I alos want to get a return visa in Toronto (I have H1) how long
: : does that take?1 workind day? or more?
: : Thanks

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM:]
发信人: breeze (gaga), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: travel to canada
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Mon May 24 23:10:24 1999), 转信

Toronto so bu2 zhao4 ah? :(

I'm nothing. PRC citizen and H1.. will check Gowest.


【 在 kaiser (kaiser) 的大作中提到: 】
: 【 在 breeze (gaga) 的大作中提到: 】
: : Assuming I'm going to get my visa in NYC.. and my planned route
: : is NYC-> Buffalo -> Montreal -> Toronto -> NYC
: : what do you guys suggest? jhow many days at each place..
: : I alos want to get a return visa in Toronto (I have H1) how long
: : does that take?1 workind day? or more?
: : Thanks
: r u canadian citizen or not? or pr? if not, u need to book
: reservation for ur visa application. pls go to "Gowest" or
: board like that check out the detail.
: For Montreal, u can go to Mont Royal, the old dock (especially
: during the night), also u can go to some strip bar on Sant. Catherine St.
: not bad.
: For Toronto, :(, 可以去湖边蹲一蹲. 也很漂亮的.

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM:]
发信人: hrao (熊啊,你走好), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: travel to canada
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue May 25 12:20:44 1999), 转信

【 在 breeze (gaga) 的大作中提到: 】
: I've lived in Boston for a year and visited it 30 times after I left :)
: Don't need to go there any more often
MMD,快来BOSTON请我吃一顿, sigh..
it is really shit now.
: 【 在 polarbear (冰封~温柔) 的大作中提到: 】
: : why Buffalo
: : 波士顿多好啊
: : Montreal one day and one night
: : u can gat ur visa in Montreal too

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM:]
发信人: ding (丁丁@五月的天空), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: travel to canada
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Wed Jun 2 01:03:30 1999), 转信

【 在 breeze (gaga) 的大作中提到: 】
: Assuming I'm going to get my visa in NYC.. and my planned route
: is NYC-> Buffalo -> Montreal -> Toronto -> NYC

If you said Albany--->Montreal, I wouldn't be suprised.

It should be Toronto--->Montreal bah.

: what do you guys suggest? jhow many days at each place..
: I alos want to get a return visa in Toronto (I have H1) how long
: does that take?1 workind day? or more?

Montreal has consulate too.
: Thanks


※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM:]
发信人: ding (丁丁@五月的天空), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: travel to canada
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Wed Jun 2 01:07:20 1999), 转信

【 在 kaiser (kaiser) 的大作中提到: 】
: 【 在 breeze (gaga) 的大作中提到: 】
: : Assuming I'm going to get my visa in NYC.. and my planned route
: : is NYC-> Buffalo -> Montreal -> Toronto -> NYC
: : what do you guys suggest? jhow many days at each place..
: : I alos want to get a return visa in Toronto (I have H1) how long
: : does that take?1 workind day? or more?
: : Thanks
: r u canadian citizen or not? or pr? if not, u need to book
: reservation for ur visa application. pls go to "Gowest" or
: board like that check out the detail.
: For Montreal, u can go to Mont Royal, the old dock (especially
: during the night), also u can go to some strip bar on Sant. Catherine St.
: not bad.

Long time ago I was told it is the cheapest in North America, even
cheaper than New Orleans'.
Just read a magazine , said the designer of Mont Royal and NYC Central Park
was the same person, while his plan was not fully approved in Montreal.

: For Toronto, :(, 可以去湖边蹲一蹲. 也很漂亮的.


※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM:]
发信人: yujh (本少爷的剑), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: travel to canada
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Wed Jun 2 01:27:42 1999), 转信

【 在 ding (丁丁@五月的天空) 的大作中提到: 】
: 【 在 kaiser (kaiser) 的大作中提到: 】
: : r u canadian citizen or not? or pr? if not, u need to book
: : reservation for ur visa application. pls go to "Gowest" or
: : board like that check out the detail.
: : For Montreal, u can go to Mont Royal, the old dock (especially
: : during the night), also u can go to some strip bar on Sant. Catherine St.
: : not bad.
: Long time ago I was told it is the cheapest in North America, even
: cheaper than New Orleans'.
A lot Nude Bars in NO are free, just require you to purchase a
drink, which is a little more expensive than ordinary.
: Just read a magazine , said the designer of Mont Royal and NYC Central Park
: was the same person, while his plan was not fully approved in Montreal.
: : For Toronto, :(, 可以去湖边蹲一蹲. 也很漂亮的.

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM:]
发信人: ding (丁丁@六月的天空), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: travel to canada
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Wed Jun 2 01:30:34 1999), 转信

【 在 yujh (本少爷的剑) 的大作中提到: 】
: 【 在 ding (丁丁@五月的天空) 的大作中提到: 】
: : Long time ago I was told it is the cheapest in North America, even
: : cheaper than New Orleans'.
: A lot Nude Bars in NO are free, just require you to purchase a
: drink, which is a little more expensive than ordinary.

Some people said it's good, some people said it's bad,
so I have never made my decision yet;) And most bars are really noisy.

: : Just read a magazine , said the designer of Mont Royal and NYC Central Park
: : was the same person, while his plan was not fully approved in Montreal.


※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM:]
发信人: yujh (本少爷的剑), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: travel to canada
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Wed Jun 2 01:56:10 1999), 转信

Most nude bars are not very noisy, but there are a lot of
noisy bars on Borbon St.,I think it's not bad to at least
have a look at those strip bars if you never been there before.
For me, I dont' like it very much, 'cause no expectation &
imagination's left. And these two are the two major elements
that turn a man on.

【 在 ding (丁丁@六月的天空) 的大作中提到: 】
: 【 在 yujh (本少爷的剑) 的大作中提到: 】
: : A lot Nude Bars in NO are free, just require you to purchase a
: : drink, which is a little more expensive than ordinary.
: Some people said it's good, some people said it's bad,
: so I have never made my decision yet;) And most bars are really noisy.

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM:]
发信人: ding (丁丁@六月的天空), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: travel to canada
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Wed Jun 2 02:06:54 1999), 转信

【 在 yujh (本少爷的剑) 的大作中提到: 】
: Most nude bars are not very noisy, but there are a lot of
: noisy bars on Borbon St.,I think it's not bad to at least
: have a look at those strip bars if you never been there before.
: For me, I dont' like it very much, 'cause no expectation &
: imagination's left. And these two are the two major elements
: that turn a man on.

I was told in Montreal if a man wants to get into nude male bars(I don't know
how to call it),
he needs a female companion. Same for woman to get into nude female bars.
A female friend of mine used to talk about having a bday party
in nude male bars after she visited nude female bars;p Don't know
if her dream already came true.
Well, my dream bar is kind of like 牛与熊 that 亦舒 talked about
in some novels. Maybe I do need to learn how to taste all kinds of
beer/wine b4 stepping in such place.

: 【 在 ding (丁丁@六月的天空) 的大作中提到: 】
: : Some people said it's good, some people said it's bad,
: : so I have never made my decision yet;) And most bars are really noisy.


※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM:]
发信人: breeze (gaga), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: travel to canada
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Wed Jun 2 07:28:57 1999), 转信

【 在 ding (丁丁@五月的天空) 的大作中提到: 】
: 【 在 breeze (gaga) 的大作中提到: 】
: : Assuming I'm going to get my visa in NYC.. and my planned route
: : is NYC-> Buffalo -> Montreal -> Toronto -> NYC
: If you said Albany--->Montreal, I wouldn't be suprised.
: It should be Toronto--->Montreal bah.

Yeah indeed.. my typo :(

: : what do you guys suggest? jhow many days at each place..
: : I alos want to get a return visa in Toronto (I have H1) how long
: : does that take?1 workind day? or more?
: Montreal has consulate too.

Do you know if they take stand-bys? I went to and
couldn't find any open spots left during the days I am there :(


: : Thanks

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM:]
发信人: ding (丁丁@六月的天空), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: travel to canada
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Thu Jun 3 00:52:01 1999), 转信

【 在 breeze (gaga) 的大作中提到: 】
: 【 在 ding (丁丁@五月的天空) 的大作中提到: 】
: : If you said Albany--->Montreal, I wouldn't be suprised.
: : It should be Toronto--->Montreal bah.
: Yeah indeed.. my typo :(
: : Montreal has consulate too.
: Do you know if they take stand-bys? I went to and
: couldn't find any open spots left during the days I am there :(
: Thanks

Sorry I really don't know.

The only time I asked them about if F1 needs a returning visa,
they just replied: make an appointment;p


※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM:]


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